Top banner, side banner, box banner
- Topbanners are in the top of the site and is visible at all subpages
- Sidebannners are at right and left side - and visible at all subpages. Sidebanners are not visible at small screens (mobile phones, tablets etc.)
- Box banners are at frontpage and in the bottom of all subpages.
Minimum 25.000 views. Notice - side banners are not visible at small screens. Banners are appearing in a carousel.
See more at Price & size
Advertisers are included in three electronic newsletters
In total, the five weekly newsletters reach out to at least 3500 dairy people - and at least 500 are outside Denmark.
Supplier listing (one year)
Permanent link in the newsletters: 2,700 DKK
Sponsored news
Pressrelease which is publiced as regular news at web and in newsletters
Price: 5,900 DKK
Mejerimedier offers 3 different models for job adverts. Normally the client will deliver the job advert as a PDF, but we can also be helpful in the preparation.
Basic on-line
The job advert is set on out website under ‘Stillinger’ (jobs).
Period: 4 weeks.
Price 3,900 DKK
Basic on-line with news packages
The basic news package is extended with a news story on visited by 350 dairy people every day. On that account this news story is published in 3 newsletters, UPDATE with 2600 mainly Danish readers, Notisnytt with 200 Swedish readers and Dairy Nordic with 150 readers. It is also published at our social medias, Facebook and LinkedIn
Price: 8,400 DKK
Premium with printed magazine
The job advert is brought in the magazine Mælkeritidende in 1750 copies. This model includes all features in the digital features in ‘Basic on-line with news package’.
½ page: 10,400 DKK
1/1 page : 15,400 DKK
If you would like more information about Mælkeritidendes special issues, please contact the editorial staff.