
Arla in Sweden wants more milk

- We will not knock on everyone's door, but dairy farmers that are interested in joining. Dairy farms are very welcome to contact us, says Inger-Lise Sjöström, Vice Chair of Arla.

Arla is optimistic about the future of Swedish milk. Last year, 15 start-up dairy farms became cooperative members, and now Arla’s board of directors is opening up to admit new members

– In the long term, more Swedish milk is needed, both to secure the food supply in Sweden and to help feed the world’s rapidly growing population with sustainably produced food, says Inger-Lise Sjöström, Vice Chair of Arla and milk producer in Östergötland.

– Sweden is a good country to produce milk in. For many years, farmers have built strong added value into agriculture – low antibiotic consumption, good animal care and environmentally and climate-smart production. The crises of recent years have also emphasized the need for more Swedish food, both to strengthen preparedness and to supply other countries with sustainable food, she adds

The criterias for becoming a member is that the farm is located in logistic relation to the dairies in Götene and Vimmerby, which have the capacity to receive milk. In addition, the farm must meet Arla’s criteria for, among other things, animal welfare and the environment.

Read the full press release HERE


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