For the 4th time, IFC Water ‘Water for Food Processing’ can welcome professionals with an interest in water and energy when ‘Water & Energy in Food Technology’ is held as part of FoodTech on 1-3 October. The program includes contributions from the world’s leading food and ingredient companies such as Carlsberg, Danish Crown, KMC and Arla Foods Ingredients, which tell how to improve sustainable water consumption successfully.
Food and ingredient manufacturers are thus focusing on the synergy between water and energy with new ambitious goals for their handling of water without incurring a “Burden Shift” regarding energy. This is in continuation of the fact that the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting directive and financial institutions require visions and plans for operational and measurable activities.
So how do companies meet these challenges and which new technologies are they using – and what is new from the world of research? These questions and much more will be addressed at the 4th IFC Water Congress.
The event consists of three thematic courses and company visits to Carlsberg in Fredericia and the KMC facility in Brande.
See the full program and note the possibility to pick in the program with 1-day tickets HERE