It is only a few months ago that the Norwegian dairy company TINE told how the protein trend has boosted sales of the protein-rich product TINE YT and cottage cheese.
Now TINE brings added mre facts on the subject on its website. It states that sales of YT increased by 52 percent from January to May. In the same period, sales of cottage cheese increased by 35 percent.
– There is enormous growth, and we are excited to see where it ends. It is quite clear that many people have become concerned with the protein content of food, and this is probably largely driven by trends on social media. Our products have become part of a large universe of recipes, so more people have opened their eyes to new areas of application, says brand manager for YT in TINE, Anniken Bølset Volckmar.
At both the facilities in Tana and Frya, TINE has increased production and staffing in order to meet demand. Nevertheless, there have been periods of empty store shelves in some places.
Right now, recipes for cottage cheese flatbread and wraps in all kinds of variations are going viral on Tik Tok, along with various ice cream recipes that are helping to drive demand.
– We also see that the fitness category as a whole in the grocery trade is increasing, and this is probably also about a large focus from fitness profiles on social media. At the same time, we see that we succeed with our innovations and hit the big trends and develop new products. Both YT and hytteost are good examples of this, she says, and explains that work is being done internally with product development for both
Read the full press release HERE