Dairy Nordic

About us

Editorial team

At Mejerimedier, we are passionate about delivering current news from the dairy industry with a strong and professional team that has many years of experience in both the dairy and supplier industries. The permanent editorial team consists of editor Lars Winther and editorial secretary Jette Rohde. Head of the secretariat, Anne-Sofi Christiansen, is responsible editor.
Our office is in Odense. We cover the whole country and are available if you need assistance in preparing company portraits etc.
Journalist Lene Mikkelsen Walsh is attached to the editorial staff on a freelance basis.
We also solve photo assignments either with our own or associated freelance photographers.


Responsible editor Dairy engineer Anne-Sofi S. Christiansen Tel. 66 12 40 25 Mobile: 29 99 42 81 Editor Lars Winther Mobile: 21 28 59 06 Editorial secretary Jette Rohde Mobile: 51 24 24 76

Ansvarshavende redaktør
Anne-Sofi S. Christiansen
Tlf. 66 12 40 25 Mobil: 29 99 42 81
Lars Winther
Mobil: 21 28 59 06
Jette Rohde
Mobil: 51 24 24 76


The board consists of representatives from the two organizations behind the publication, respectively. The Association of Dairy Managers and Clerks and the Danish Dairy Engineer Association. The head of the secretariat is the secretary.

Soren Jensen Chairman Vice President Soren Jensen Tel. 89 38 12 93

S-R Sales Leader Central-North Europe Martin Holst Petersen Mobile 28 34 37 94 Overall Production Manager Bjarke D. Jørgensen Mobile: 54 55 24 70

Supply Chain Development Manager Dagmar Frydensbjerg Pedersen Mobile: 20 82 05 52

Business Director Head of Sales - Dairy Rolf Pedersen Mobile 22 68 55 51

Søren Jensen
Vice President
Søren Jensen
Tlf. 89 38 12 93
S-R Sales Leader Central-North Europe
Martin Holst Petersen
Mobil 28 34 37 94
Overordnet Produktionschef
Bjarke D. Jørgensen
Mobil: 54 55 24 70
Supply Chain Development Manager
Dagmar Frydensbjerg Pedersen
Mobil: 20 82 05 52
Business Director Head of Sales - Dairy
Rolf Pedersen
Mobil 22 68 55 51
Copyright ©
CVR: 41896981


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