Key Figures

Traffic on website, clicks from news etc.

News site and archive where we upload 2 dairy news daily. In addition, company portraits, research advertisements, job advertisements etc. are collected from the magazine. The site has an average of approx. 300 visitors and 900 views daily.

Top banner/side banner/box banner

The website contains respectively top-banners, side-banners and box-banners, as several advertisers alternately appear in a carousel version. For all types, the period and minimum number of views of the ad are agreed. Side banners are not visible on small screens. A banner is displayed a minimum of 25,000 times.

UPDATE/Notisnytt/Dairy Nordic

We send out the digital newsletter UPDATE or Tuesday and Friday mornings. The newsletter has approx. 3050 subscribers, where approx. 45 per cent opens the newsletter, which testifies a passionate target group.
UPDATE is simultaneously sent in an adapted version to members of the Swedish Dairy Technology Forum, Notisnytt. We produce one special Swedish news (-in English), which is supplemented by the Danish UPDATE news. Notisnytt has 180 Swedish recipients and has an opening rate that fluctuates between 40-80 per cent.
Dairy Nordic is a translation of Nordic/international news, where last week's news is broadcasted in translated form on Monday morning until approx. 325 recipients. The three newsletters contain the same banner ads on a weekly basis - i.e. a top or box ad is broadcast 5 times to over 3500 recipients.

LinkedIn and Facebook

We have more than 4000 and 1000 followers, who see news, job advertisements etc.


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