
Explore small-scale cheese production in Sweden

Last weekend, several farmhouse dairies hosted an Open Dairy Day. On this occasion, the association ‘Sveriges Gårdsmejerier’ launched a booklet about small-scale cheese production.

In addition to offering tastings, guests at Open Dairy Day received a newly published booklet titled ”Flavors of Sweden – World-Class Cheese Craftsmanship.” The booklet is produced by Sveriges Gårdsmejerier, the association that represents the Swedish farmhouse and artisan dairies.

The booklet provides an overview of how artisanal dairies, and their products are becoming part of Swedish food culture today. It offers tips on how to elevate the experience when serving artisanal cheese, explains the cheese-making process, and how flavors develop over time. Sveriges Gårdsmejerier also addresses common questions from customers, such as why gloves are often unnecessary when handling cheese and curds, and the differences between blue cheese, green mold cheese, and noble mold cheese.

This was the first time Sveriges Gårdsmejerier organized Open Dairy Day to promote transparency and invite the public to explore small-scale cheese production in Sweden, which is becoming increasingly important in food supply.

In the long run, the goal is for Open Dairy Day to become an annual event, bringing together the country’s artisanal dairies and showcase the diversity and quality of products offered by Sweden’s artisanal dairies. Read more HERE


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